Hype comes and goes.

Technologies with power to change the world are here to stay.

A render of a computerised blue wavey background, depicting futuristic storytelling & PR
A graphic of a man wearing a 3D headset, depicting Web3 storytelling and PR

A history of ushering in the future

Building on 20+ years’ experience working with disruptive technologies, iStories supports visionary brands and businesses ushering in a new era of digital innovation that will change customers’ relationship with products, services, and experiences forever.

A render of a futuristic person stepping through a portal, depicting Web3
  • Web3 is about making the internet fairer, safer, and more like a community where everyone has a say.

    Web3 puts power and control in the hands of users, instead of tech giants and centralised platforms.

    It's like everyone having their own piece of the internet, with blockchain technology creating security and transparency.

  • Web3 PR brands focuses on decentralisation, user control, and blockchain tech benefits, leveraging decentralised platforms and peer-to-peer communication, all built upon the Web2 foundations of strategic storytelling and strong narratives.

  • Make sure the agency is active in the space, regularly engaging with social communities and project leaders across Web3 ecosystems.

A render of a human brain, depicting Web brand building
Close up graphic of a hand engaging with a smartphone

On-chain asset building

Along with access to all other services, iStories also provides a gateway to bespoke metaverse, avatar, and asset creation for brands and businesses with a desire to transform physical and digital components into immersive Web3 items and experiences.

Crypto payments accepted | BTC | Crypto payments accepted | ETH | Crypto payments accepted | USDC |

Crypto payments accepted | BTC | Crypto payments accepted | ETH | Crypto payments accepted | USDC |